If it is not always easy to find love, when you are in a relationship it is sometimes more complicated to make the passion last and to maintain a healthy and fulfilled relationship. The threat of a breakup or divorce when you are married hovers almost permanently and you have to make sure to keep it away as much as possible. It is indeed necessary to distinguish daily behaviors that contribute to making a relationship happier and those that, on the contrary, jeopardize it. This is revealed by a study conducted by the researcher of the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, Menelaos Apostolou . In order to determine which behaviors were the most detrimental for a...
You are walking down the street when suddenly you catch the eye of a stranger. In your mind it's love at first sight . You then imagine your first meetings, the evenings to discuss, the bursts of laughter, the frenzied nights... even your future apartment. Does this situation sound familiar? Well know that it has a name: the "date dreaming". It amounts to dreaming and idealizing one's romantic relationships when they have not begun. On the first date, the people concerned place their potential future partner on a pedestal, until they fall in love. Still, it's the best way to be disappointed. According to dating expert Hayley Quinn, "Creating expectations about someone before you know them is a surefire way to...
The term polyamory sometimes leads to confusion. It is associated with licentiousness or swinging. However, a polyamorous is a person who has several romantic relationships. Have you ever wondered if it was possible to love several people at the same time ? Polyamorous people are convinced of this, and they have taken the plunge. Farewell to the traditional codes of the classic monogamous relationship, a true model of society. But this type of romantic relationship is not for everyone. How do I know if I'm polyamorous? How to accept a polyamorous partner? Will I suffer from a polyamorous relationship? For polyamorous people, monogamy is not unique to man. They assume that one person cannot and should not be coerced into fulfilling all...
Several foods should be removed in order to avoid developing type 2 diabetes, according to a scientific study. What we choose to put on our plate can seriously impact our health. As revealed by a new scientific study, the conclusions of which have been relayed by the press, several foods should be banned in order to avoid developing type 2 diabetes. White rice, bread and processed meats would thus be the foods most more likely to trigger it. To better understand how food can affect our health, scientists screened the eating habits of people in 184 countries. Conclusion: Nationalities who generally ate more refined carbohydrates were more likely to develop type 2. These foods contain sugar and lack fiber and...
In the Middle Ages, most Western cities were equipped with recluseries: Installed on bridges, at the corner of busy streets or in the walls of churches, these facilities accommodated "spiritual sentinels" whose constant prayer was supposed to repel plague epidemics and invaders. It is no coincidence that these cells are linked to the bridges or the gates of the city: they form a spiritual rampart which is superimposed on the physical defences. They are called “reclusoirs” or “recluseries”. These cramped cells (between 4 and 9 square meters), which can still sometimes be seen attached to the walls of certain churches, look like a challenge to the face of time. Nothing has changed since their medieval construction: blind, bare walls, a...