les unions avec des adolescents sont encore monnaie courante à travers le monde. Ainsi, un maire brésilien de 65 ans vient d'épouser une jeune fille, quatre jours après ses 16 ans. Hissam Hussein Dehaini, 65 ans, est un maire millionnaire brésilien. Il a16 enfants. 16,l'age de sa nouvelle épouse, Kauane Rode Camargo, une lycéenne avec qui il s'est uni le 12 avril dernier. La jeune fille va donc encore en cours et doit jongler entre son rôle d'épouse et sa scolarité. "Nous sommes heureux. Elle me fait du bien et je lui fais du bien, et ensemble, nous ne faisons de mal à personne" a déclaré Hissam Hussein Dehaini. Au Brésil, les unions avec les adolescents, à partir de 16 ans,...
Sasha Obama, fille de Michelle et Barack Obama est diplômée en sociologie, comme sa mère près de 40 ans auparavant. La femme de 21 ans vient de terminer son cursus à l’Université de Caroline du Sud. La cadette de l’ancien président des USA portait le traditionnel mortarboard, la toque de forme carrée symbolisant la réussite académique, une toge noire et rouge brodée des initiales de l’établissement («USC»), le tout agrémenté de plusieurs colliers de fleurs. Sasha Obama a ensuite traversé le stade où se tenait la cérémonie, main dans la main avec sa mère. Sa sœur ainée Malia était également présente. Elle était assise à côté de son père, heureuse pour sa cadette . Deux ans plus tôt, elle terminait ses études menées au sein...
Can dietary habits influence life expectancy? A recent study highlights the possibility of reducing the risk of mortality through a specific diet. Certain eating habits can help take care of your cardiovascular health or could have virtues in reducing the risk of dementia. But what are the eating habits to adopt to live longer? This is the question on which English, American and Chinese researchers have worked. The latter compared the effects of a diet low in fat, such as the “low fat” diet, or low in carbohydrates, such as the “low carb” diet, to live longer. Their results are published in the Journal of Internal Medicine. A “low carb” diet aims to limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed in...
Hospitalized for three weeks, the American actor does not seem to be on the mend. Jamie Foxx suddenly fell ill while filming the movie Back in action in Atlanta alongside Cameron Diaz. On April 12, her daughter announced her hospitalization for an unspecified medical emergency. It was more than three weeks ago, and the family ensured that the actor had been taken care of quickly and that he was recovering thanks to the care he was receiving. But today May 3, 2023, when we are the Oscar-winning star in 2005, an American people magazine has just published an article that worries.. The latter suggests that his condition would have worsened following medical complications. " Pray for Jamie ", would have entrusted...
A rare medical event surprised doctors in India after the birth of a baby with three arms The child is in good health but his birth was a shock for his family and for the doctors who attended. In addition to two correctly placed arms, the newborn has a third arm behind his back. This extremely rare disease, polymelia is a congenital malformation characterized by the presence of excess limbs. It usually happens when the separation of monozygotic twins has not been completed, or when monozygotic or dizygotic twins "merge". On the images circulating on the internet, the child's third arm is much smaller than his "normal" arms, with three not fully formed fingers. The solution in such cases of polymelia is usually amputation....