“I had the right to remain silent. Silence was my best asset and I intended to keep it. The silence. I wouldn't say anything if it wasn't at the hearing. I wanted the world to know, I wanted them to live with this. After all he had done to me! I couldn't keep it all to myself. In the name of all those who had suffered, in the name of all those who would suffer. I wanted to give an example. I hadn't done what I had done just for myself, but also for the benefit of all those who had been, or would be, like me...»
Claryssa is a young Toulouse girl, daughter of a former French diplomat and academician. After a life of doubt and silence, gradually reconstructs herself and decides to show the world the true face of David Croiza, her natural father, a perverse and violent man.
Talia Amougou in this captivating novel, depicts with delicacy the life of a young upset woman who testifies to a desire to break with a repressed past. It encourages meditation on domestic violence.