Passionate about tattoos, Soren Lorenson has more than 200 all over his body. A new look that does not please those close to him.
Clearwater, Florida native Soren Lorenson started getting tattoos at age 18. He quickly became addicted. “ I got my first tattoo after my girlfriend died in a tragic motorcycle accident . Her name was Courtney so I carved the letter C under my eye to remind me of her." confided the young man.
An incredible physical transformation of which he is aware: “I still feel a connection to the person I was. When I think back to my old photos, I know I was that person, but I feel like I've evolved into something different now. »
Over the years, Soren Lorenson has changed tremendously to the point of having over 200 tattoos. A metamorphosis that is not unanimous among his relatives: "My entire family hates my tattoos and hasn't made any effort to talk to me or check on me since I touched my face. »
Fortunately, the American can still count on his mother and father, even if the latter have trouble getting used to it: “ My parents love me and support me but they told me many times to pray for God's help and that they will never understand me . »
Despite the criticism, the American is delighted with his appearance .
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